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Proficient Reading: 30%


Distinguished Reading: 9%


Proficient Math: 29%


Distinguished Math: 6%



Proficient Reading: 32%


Distinguished Reading:9%


Proficient Math: 24%


Distinguished Math: 5%



Proficient Reading: 46%


Distinguished Reading: 22%


Proficient Math: 39%


Distinguished Math:7%


Gifted Education

As defined in 704 KAR 3:285, gifted and talented students include those who are identified as possessing, demonstrated, or potential ability to perform at an exceptionally high level in general intellectual ability, specific academic aptitude categories of mathematics, language arts, science and social studies, creativity, leadership skills, visual arts and performing arts categories of vocal music, instrumental music, dance and drama.

The Ludlow Independent School District identifies students possessing potential giftedness through our Primary Talent Pool in grades K-3 and formal identification starting in fourth grade.   Identified students are serviced within our school by offering differentiated instruction within the classroom, resource and enrichment through direct instruction from our gifted teacher, collaborative programming through partners of regional school districts, post-secondary institutions, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, among others.   Opportunities include: NKU Dreamfest, NKU Leadership Symposium, University of Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music, performances by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and Playhouse in the Park, Young Women LEAD, and Makerspace at IGNITE.  In the elementary school, Primary Talent Pool and students identified as gifted, receive differentiate instruction, direct instruction through the gifted teacher, and out of school opportunities in leadership and the arts.  Middle grades students receive opportunities for honors courses in reading and math, direct instruction through the gifted teacher, and out of school opportunities in leaderships and the arts.   High school students have dual credit opportunities through Gateway Community and Technical College, Northern Kentucky University, Morehead State University, and Western Kentucky University, along with elective opportunities in-district in dance, music, art, and drama.

Students are identified through a combination of three informal assessments to determine placement in Primary Talent Pool.   Formal identification for students in grades four through twelve includes a combination of formal and informal measure, including at least one normed individual or group measure.  Our policies provide a system for diagnostic screening and identification of strengths, gifted behaviors and talents for all students including minority students, disadvantaged students, and students with disabilities.

Gifted Education Program

Alison Orzali serves as the Gifted Education Teacher
859-261-8211, Ext 3043
Room H304

Gifted Program Information

The Gifted Education Handbook details the program

The Gifted Program Evaluation results provide insight into the program

Family Survey 

Parents are asked to complete this survey regarding Ludlow's Gifted Education Program.