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Proficient Reading: 30%


Distinguished Reading: 9%


Proficient Math: 29%


Distinguished Math: 6%



Proficient Reading: 32%


Distinguished Reading:9%


Proficient Math: 24%


Distinguished Math: 5%



Proficient Reading: 46%


Distinguished Reading: 22%


Proficient Math: 39%


Distinguished Math:7%


State Improvement Plans & Reports

Our efforts continue to focus on improving our district, schools, and programs.  Each year, the district office and both schools collaborate to create a plan to move us forward.  

Click below to see our detailed Comprehensive Improvement Plans for each school.  

LAU Plan

Our English Learners Program has a separate improvement reporting protocol and can be found here:

Lau Plan for Ludlow Independent Schools


District Wellness Plan

One part of our continuous improvement plan is reviewing our Health & Wellness Policy and completing our district's school report and action plan:

Ludlow Independent Schools Wellness Plan

Findings & Recommendations Report

State Reports

This link will take you to the Kentucky Department of Education state reports page where you can view our report cards. Click here to connect to the KDE.